lördag 8 oktober 2016

1. Finska Vinterkriget 1939-1940: Slaget om Suomussalmi, del I

Plötsligt återfann jag dokumentet jag tidigare förgäves sökt: Michael R Evans avhandling rörande slaget om Suomussalmi den 7 december 1939 - 8 januari 1940, publicerad den 23 maj 1997.

Internetlänken till avhandlingen är bruten.. sedan när? Jag vet inte! Här följer en avskrift på engelska av min pappersdokumentation.

För att göra läsandet hanterbart - och desslikes mitt (av)skrivande - är avhandlingen uppdelad.

Här följer första delen rörande slaget om Suomussalmi. Avhandlingen är skriven på engelska men det bereder knappast läsarna av Tidsspegeln något problem!

Order of battle


Northen Group of Forces (P-SRE)

MG W.E. Tuompo
22nd Field Replenishment (Replacment Depot) Division (22.KT-D)


LTC Paavo Susitaival

16th Separate Infantry Battalion, ErP16, MAJ I. Pallari, succeeded by LTC Paavo Susitaival, succeeded by CPT Salske

15.th Separate Infantry Battalion, (ErP 15), CPT Matti Harola

6.th Bicycle Battalion, (PPP6), MAJ Järvinen

Two Civic Guard battalions, MAJ Kaarle Kari

1 Border Police company, LT Elo


COL Hjalmar Siilasvuo, commanding

CPT Mäkkinen, G2

CPT Alpo Marttinen, G3

27.th Infantry Regiment, (JR27), COL Hjalmar Siilasvuo, succeeded by
COL Johann Makiniemi
1/27, CPT Lassila
2/27, MAJ Sihvonen
3/27, CPT Airimo

64th Infantry Regiment, (JR64), LTC Frans Fagernäs
1/64, CPT Mänkonen
2/64 CPT Räsänen
3/64, CPT Simelius

65th Infantry Regiment, (JR65), LTC Karl Mandelin
1/65 MAJ Hakanen
2/65 CPT Hyppoelä
3/65 CPT Flink

1st Ranger Batallion, (SissiP1), CPT Häkkinen
22nd Reconnaissance Battalion (Kev.Os22), CPT Paavola
22nd Pioneer Batallion (PionP22), LT Sorasalmi
9th Division Artillery, (KTR9), CPT Ahlholm
Elements of 4th Field Artillery Regiment, (KTR4)
4th Replacement Battalion, LT Karhunen



Army Commander Tjujkov (Chuikov)

45th Corps

Corps Commander Dashitsev

44th Rifle Division

Division Commander Vinogradov

25th Rifle Regiment
305th Rifle Regiment
146th Rifle Regiment
4th Recon Battalion
44th Pioneer Battalion
312th Tank Battalion
58th Antitank Battalion
3rd Ski Regiment
48th Truck Battalion
122nd Artillery Regiment
179th Artillery Regiment
44th Medical Battalion
84 Mobile Field Hospital
Horse Field Clinic
AAA Machine-gun Company
Signal Battalion
Divisional Air Support Unit

Extra Various members of the traitor Kuusinen's "Peoples Democratic Army of Finland"
(Otto Ville Kuusinen was appointed by Stalin as leader of "Peoples Democratic Finland". Dead i Moscov 1964. Burried in the Kremlin Wall.

163rd Rifle Division

Division Commander Selendsov

759th Rifle Regiment
662nd Rifle Regiment
81st Rifle Regiment
1st Battalion/82nd Rifle Rifle Regiment
163rd Recon Battalion
230 Pioneer Battalion
246th Pioneer Battalion
13th Road Construction Battalion
222nd Tank Battalion
203rd Antitank Battalion
304th Antitank Company
148th Truck Battalion
147th Transportation Regiment
86th Artillery Regiment
365th Artillery Regiment
163rd Medical Battalion
225th Field Hospital
175th Hospital
248th Signal Battalion
147th Chemical Company
204 Chemical Battalion
274 Field Bakery


On 30 Nov 1939, the USSR invaded Finland. The Soviet 9th Army attacked to seize the rail center at Oulu to cut Finland in two at the narrow waist and cut off rail communication with Sweden. The two divisions attacked succsessively, first the 163rd along a northwest to southwest axis on the northern flank, and then the 44th along a southeast axis on the southern flank. The inithial task was to seize the road junction of Suomussalmi and to destroy any Finn forces in that area to allow the 9th Army to control the Suomussalmi-Oulu axis of advance. Finn forces rushed to the area quickly buildt up from constant harassment attacks, witch greatly limited Soviet movment, to vicious local road cutting and blocking attacks which createdisolated pockets of Soviet forces (which the Finns termed "mottis", from the the Finn word for a cord of firewood, cut and left in measured piles to be collected later).

The 44th Division stalled on the road six miles (6,7 km) south of Suomussalmi, still in a 20 mile (32 km) long march formation (on the Raate road). They were apposed by a two-company roadblock.

The 163rd Division, meanwhile, was hacked to pieces, ceasing to exist on or about 29 Dec 1939.

The Finns then turned their attention to the 44th Division, which suffered a similar fate, resistance ceasing on the morning of 8 Jan 1940.

This is an example of what a small number of well-trained, well-led, motivated soldiers can do when faced seemingly overwhelming odds in numbers and material. The Soviets, however, learned a number of valuable lessons from this battle and the others like it during this war, and applied these lessons in total, or in pasrt, by the time of the German invasion of the USSR in the spring (should be Midsommer Day, 22. of June!) of 1941.


To be continued...                                                                     Ω   

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